Kids’ Drawings
DrawTogether kids from five different DT Classrooms and programs around the United States created symbols to document what they are most proud of on Earth and want to share with the rest of the universe. From mountains to sea creatures, pizza to Pokemon, friendship to love, these icons bring to life the joy, inspiration, hopes, and concerns of kids. These kids prove we can learn to communicate our feelings and ideas through art— and express ourselves to intelligent lifeforms lightyears away and to those around us.
Fletcher Drive Elementary
Los Angeles, CA

I choose my toy Snorlax because I like watching Pokemon - Adan, 4th grade

I drew this because I like mountains and I want another live form out there to see the beautiful mountains - Alberto, 4th grade

I drew this because one of my favorite things on earth is watching Anime - Alexander, 4th grade

I drew this becuse I love to draw because I like to do drawing and I did Lilo and Stitch and I did an animal girl - Allison, 4th grade

I drew this because as an honor for my grandma who passed away who loved butterflys - Amaya, 4th grade

This is a flying fish. I drew this because I like the way it looks and now it is able to lift off the water - Ayden, 4th grade

Christian, 4th grade
![In space you have to wear a aschonut [astronaut] suit to go to space. Space has so many stars in space. You can see so many planets - Christopher, 4th grade](
In space you have to wear a aschonut [astronaut] suit to go to space. Space has so many stars in space. You can see so many planets - Christopher, 4th grade

I drew this because I like about nature - Ethan, 4th grade

On the Left side her name is Frisk, on the right side her name is Chara. Chara and Frisk are diffrint becuse Chara whants to kill monster but Frisk wants to deschroy the beryer - Genesis, 4th grade

My drawing is a tree because if there are other living beings i want to let them know that these things make oxygen - Isaac, 4th grade

My drawing is about a giraffe because they are amazing and have long necks and legs. Why I choose it is because they have long necks and legs and run fast and have different colores and the baby's are cute and are big animals and are friendley to people - Jacob, 4th grade

My drawing is a Monster House. I drew this because I like the movie - Jaden, 4th grade

I chose the top left because if it goes to aliens they know we have water, fire, wind and earth. I chose the top right because I wanted to show piece fo the aliens (if there was aliens) I chose the bottom right and left to show aliens what I adore - Jonathan, 4th grade

Jordynn, 4th grade

I drew this because I like my uncle's house so I did the drawing and it reminds me and my uncle to watch the views and took pictures - Joshua, 4th grade

My drawing is about my family in a picture to send to space. I drew this because I want to impress my family that my drawing is in outer space - Josue, 4th grade

I drew this because it reminds me of when I went hiking with my dad - Kiara, 4th grade

I pick charzid because aliens have never seen charzid before - Mason, 10

I drew this because it makes me relax and calm. My drawing is simple but still pretty. I love mountains because it gives us water - Mia, 4th grade

My drawing is about an octopus that got on land 20 years and got a glow up. I drew this because I love ocean animals but I love octopus more - Miley, 4th grade

Dear NASA, I chose this drawing because I like nature, and it's very pretty to look at and it calms me down - Rachelle, 4th grade

My drawing is about earth because it makes me happy. I choose it so aliens can look at it. I drew this because it makes me alive - Ronaldo, 4th grade

I chose this drawing because its easy for me to do. I also chose this drawing because it was simple for me to do. The last reason is because I like rockets and they seem like something that is fun to ride on - Samantha, 4th grade

I drew this because it has been my dream to go to the snow on the mountain. I have never been on my mountain. It has also been my dream to look at the moon closely - Sophia, 4th grade

My drawing is a dragon thats going to a battle. I chose my dragon because I love dragons - Steve, 4th grade

I drew this because it is my Favorite thing. I love earth that's what I drew. And its something we live on - Thalia, 4th grade
Strausser Elementary
Massillon, Ohio

I chose a cat because cats are beautiful creatures and they keep you company - Amelia, 9

Video games are one of the most entertaining things in the entire workd to me - Braxden, 9

I did a turtle because turtles have been here for many years longer than people. Wow. That is cool - Chanelle, 10

I drew a Porsche because I think cars look nice and they go really fast. But my favorite is a convertible Porsche - Cooper, 10

I put trees in because they one of the most inportent thing on earth they give us 02 (oxygen) - Dominic, 9

I drew waves from the ocean splashing on the seashore. Seashells are being washed up. The dots are supposed to be sand. I drew this because I love the ocran and seashells and I want the universe to know how much I love the beach - Emma, 10

I did the peace symbol because I would like to show the people beyond that we mean no harm - Graham, 9

I chose kindness because it amazing. Knowing you have somone on your side being loved or even somone to play with. If your ever feeling down get in contact with somone youknow they will always show kindness. I hope you have a great day and let know onw bring you down and always be you best. Even if you are blue. Thank you! - Isla, 10

I wanted to draw the seasons because I want anyone that lives up there to know there's other seasons than just summer or winter - Jennovese, 10

I drew a human because they are cool and smart. I also like them because they made football - Joshua, 9

This is love. Love brings us together. It will never tear us apart. We're stronger with love - Jovie, 9

This is showing friendship and the way we can communicate with people that have to use sign languang and brail - Leah, 9

Sports is what I picked because without sports you would not have that much feelings as you would, you will not have that much things to play - Liam, 9

Earth would not be amazing without life. I'm talking wild life, plants, and more. Earth with out life would mean nothing to me - Maelle, 10

I decide to draw a baskate ball because I love baskate ball and it is so fun - Mais, 9

My symbol is an ipad with many diffrent symbols that are very use full in human life - Miles, 10

I choose a Chistmas tree because I love Chistmas and Jesus, and lights on a Chistmas tree lights up the world like Jesus - Noah, 9

A rainbow is something you can see. It's bright in light but can also brighten your mood and make you happy - Olivia, 9

I chose my family because I love them the most on earth. Not only I love them because they love me, support me, help me, and well to me. There the best. I love them, they love me, having a family is like being in heaven - Quinn, 9

A drew a cheetah and a pawmtree because pawm trees have so cool leaves and there trunks are all twisted. Cheetahs have really cool dots and patterns - Reid, 10

I chose jungles because I think jungles are really cool. Jungles are really really BIG and that's why I like jungles - Robert, 10

I drew these seasons fall and summer because I love them they a amazing But one thing you need to know summer is hot and playful and fall is colorful and yummy - Selena, 9

Video games are one of the most entertaining things in the entire world to me - Tate, 10

moose is a hard process to make a moo. super happy - Tim, 9

Earth is a lovely planet and earth is our home planet. Earth won't have peace forever. Earth is about 4.6 billion years old. Earth is a great planet to live on you can go to diffrent sitys and live at a house - Tommy, 9
Special Music School
New York, NY

Earth isn't the best place right now, but we can work to fix it - Alma, 13

My art represents different parts of life and nature that some people may experience - Beatrice, 13

Let's do what we can to change Earth - Cobie, 13

Let's do what we can to change Earth - Gretchen, 13

This drawing can show the many different perspectives of people here on earth - Griffin, 13

Food is one of the few good things about earth, and pizza is one of my favorites - Hazel, 13

Can't wait to teach our human ways to aliens - Jack, 13

My image is of sun shining light on the four elements: Earth, wind, water, and fire - Margot, 13

Diamonds reflect the clarity and complexity that the universe and earth share - Santiago, 13

Taking notice isn't enough we need to take action first - Sebastian, 13

The hummingbird represents the fragile beauty of our world - Silvia, 13

What do you look like? You may not send any signs. Here is one from me - Sophia, 13
Barn School
Sagaponack, NY

Hi, my name is Abby. I made a sour patch kid, it represents treats on Earth. All humans love these kinds of treats. - Abby, 4

Sisters represent love on earth - Bessie, 5

We have moms on Earth that take care of us - Elle, 6

On Earth there are many beaches that people can enjoy - Ellie, 12

There is peace on earth - Eloise, 7

The earth has many different types of animals. They bring people joy - Franny, 6

Rainbows represent the beautiful colors on earth - Isabella, 5

Nature is amazing and the trees on earth give many things life - Oona, 6

Earth has technology. It helps people learn, play, and work - Patrick, 9

The earth provides people with food and water. There is a lot of love on earth - Sam, 7

There are families on Earth. Families take care of you and give you love - William, 7

My name is Winnie. I made this for you. I made lot's of detail For you. this represents our nature Because we Have nature and Animals - Winnie, 8
Booker T. Washington Community Service Center
San Francisco, CA

Nature is my favorite thing about earth so I drew a tree - Ava, 7

I drew a shark because I love the ocean - Daijon, 9

I drew a man and a woman eating food - Dominique, 9

My favorite thing about earth is my family, my house, and nature - Emmerson, 9

One of my favorite things about earth are animals and nature so I drew a bear paw with arrows - Ezequiel, 9

I drew a man and a woman so aliens know about us and I drew the sun so they know where we're at - Jace, 9

Some of my favorite things about earth are animals and nature so I drew a tree, a flower, and an apple - Lauren, 10

I drew a mountain because my favorite thing about the earth are mountains - Makayla, 8

I like smiling and people smiling so I drew a happy face - Oliver, 8

I love the ocean so I drew waves - Savaughn, 9

My favorite thing about earth is my family - Tatum, 8

My favorite thing about earth is my family, my house, and nature - Xavier, 9